
Salinga accorded apostleship

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Founder of Fountain of Revival Church and Ministries International (also known as Royal Priesthood Assembly), Brother DJ Salinga, was last Sunday officially accorded apostleship at a colourful ceremony which took place at Surestream Stadium previously known as MDC Stadium in Blantyre’s Chilomoni Township.

The ordaining and commissioning ceremony is a milestone in Salinga’s over 15 years of serving Christ.

“From now onwards, I ordain you an apostle and you will be called Apostle Salinga. I also commission you to go out of Blantyre and preach the word of God to the whole country of Malawi and beyond her borders,” declared Apostle James Sodzera of Souls for Jesus Ministries, who presided over the ceremony.

Sodzera (in blue) making declarations as he ordains Salinga lying down
Sodzera (in blue) making declarations as he ordains Salinga lying down

Sodzera spoke highly of Apostle Salinga, saying since he became a servant of God, the Lord has used him greatly to bring people back to God through preaching and demonstrations of God’s power manifested through salvation of souls and signs and wonders

Said Sodzera: “When I was invited to preside over this ceremony, I did not think twice because I knew it was indeed a revelation from God because Apostle Salinga has been a dedicated servant of God. As his spiritual father, I am proud of what he has done so far and hope he will do more now that he has been given the mandate to conquer new territory in the name of Christ Jesus.”

Testifying earlier about Salinga’s calling, Nedbank managing director Paul Guta, said he whole-heartedly welcomed the decision to ordain and commission Brother Salinga because his love for God is beyond human comprehension.

“I know him from the beginning of his spiritual journey because we started together and we are close friends. Apostle Salinga is that kind of man who is willing to forego all pleasures of the world for the sake of God.

“Imagine he left a well paying job at Commercial Bank (now Standard Bank) in 2001 after working for nine years to heed to God’s call to start preaching the word of God. How many of us today would have left such a good job to venture into a spiritual calling where there is no guarantee of a steady salary? Not many,” he said.

Between 1997 and 2001 Apostle Salinga was an active member of Blantyre Lunch Hour Fellowship where the word of God was being preached, people saved and miracles were happening. At the time he was under the Souls for Jesus Ministry where he started blossoming.

In March of 2003, God called Salinga to start Fountain of Revival Church and Ministries International (Royal Priesthood Assembly).

Salinga’s calling was to lead people back to God in holiness, righteousness, faith and blessings. Since then God has been using him to deliver demons, heal the sick, save sinners and preach the good news of Jesus Christ. n

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